Happy Men's Day!

Practice Positive Masculinity❤️

The society is already rigid about who you should be as a man.

Don’t be hard on yourself.

Rather, tap into the beauty and strength of your Masculinity.

“When a man is both masculine, driven, visionary, powerful

And also soft, loving, kind, accepting, and at peace,

That man draws in from his emotional heart sensor…

  1. The Woman of his dreams

  2. The Money of his dreams

  3. The health of his dreams, and

  4. The life of his dreams

Because he is connected to his higher self - Both the masculine and the feminine in him, and he owns it.” 

- Danny Morel

This is Healthy Masculinity - connecting to your emotions and fully expressing them.

Don’t be the rock that takes care of everyone except YOU. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Tap into your emotions and connect to your inner child.

Seek help when you need it. 

Need professional but friendly help? You can always talk to a JEAY Buddy.

Dear Strong Man,

You matter and you are loved.

With Love,

From all of us at JEAY Healthcare.❤️